Apple CEO Tim Cook shared insights into his experience working alongside the company’s legendary co-founder, Steve Jobs, in a recent interview. Cook described Jobs as a “very different kind of CEO,” acknowledging his unique leadership style and the profound impact on Apple’s success.
Asked, “When Steve Jobs recruited you to join Apple, you said you trusted your gut. How did you know you made the right decision?”, Cook said, “There was a feeling that I had in talking to Steve, that he was a very different kind of CEO.”
Cook on Jobs’ ‘consumer-centric’ stand
In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, Cook emphasised Jobs’ visionary qualities and his ability to inspire and motivate those around him.
“He was focused on products, products, and products, and had a belief that small teams could do amazing work. I loved that vision, and I also loved that in an environment where everyone was going to an enterprise kind of company, he wanted to refocus Apple on consumers,”
“And it was brilliant, because at the time, nobody was doing that. Everybody thought you could not make any money selling to consumers,” he added.
“I thought I had a chance of a lifetime to work with…”
When responding to a question on why he joined Apple, Cook said that he did not want to pass up an opportunity to work with a “creative genius”.
“And, you know, I’ve never thought it was a good idea to follow the herd. I thought I had a chance of a lifetime to work with the creative genius that started the entire industry, and I didn’t want to pass that up,” he added.
Cook emphasised that people advised him to not join Apple.
“People have forgotten this, but Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy, and it was a really awful time. And people advised me not to come to Apple because they thought that it was headed straight down,” Cook noted.
“But I saw something different. I saw sort of the sparkle in Steve’s eye, and it just meant that we could pull out this turnaround for this American treasure, and…Ah, I’m so glad to have been a part of that team,” he said.