Apple’s online store went offline Monday morning, signalling the imminent launch of new products at the company’s “It’s Glowtime” event. The highly anticipated showcase, scheduled for 10 p.m. IST, is expected to unveil the iPhone 16 lineup, Apple Watch Series X and other devices.

How to watch Apple’s “It’s Glowtime” event

Apple’s “It’s Glowtime” event is scheduled to take place today, Monday, September 9, at 10:30 PM IST (10:00 AM PDT).The event will be live-streamed on, the Apple TV app, and the company’s YouTube channel.

Apple’s “It’s Glowtime” event: iPhone 16 series, Apple Watch Series X, and more to expect

Rumours are rife that Apple would launch four new iPhone models: iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro Max. The new iPhone 16 models are expected to feature a new “Capture Button,” the A18 and A18 Pro chips, and upgraded cameras. The Pro models may sport larger displays, with the iPhone 16 Pro potentially featuring a 6.3-inch screen and the Pro Max a 6.9-inch screen.
Apple is also expected to reveal the Apple Watch Series X, marking the device’s tenth anniversary. Rumours suggest a thinner chassis and larger screens compared to the Series 9. New health features, including sleep apnea detection, may be introduced.
The event may also showcase new AirPods models, including a high-end version with active noise cancellation and a budget-friendly option. An update to the AirPods Max with USB-C charging is possible.
Software announcements are anticipated, with potential release dates for iOS 18, watchOS 11, and macOS Sequoia. The event’s “It’s Glowtime” tagline hints at a focus on Apple Intelligence, the company’s AI initiatives.
Pre-orders for the new devices are likely to begin Friday, September 13, with retail availability expected the following week.
Apple typically takes its online store offline before major product launches to update product listings and create anticipation. The store is expected to reopen following the event with listings of the newly announced devices.

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