Deputy chief minister DK Shivakumar said: “The suspect has been identified. His facial features have been captured by CCTV cameras and the same is being matched using facial recognition systems to track him.”
Preliminary investigation revealed that the alleged bomber is man, aged 25-30.A senior police officer, who examined the footage captured by CCTV cameras at the restaurant and nearby areas, said: “He is seen getting off a bus right near the restaurant and walking into it (wearing a mask). He pays at the cash counter and obtains a token for rava idli. After consuming the idli, he is seen leaving a bag near the dustbin and walking out. The time he spent at the restaurant is around 7 minutes.”
Almost an hour after his exit, the bomb was detonated using a timer.
Shivakumar said the CCB has been entrusted with the investigation and it is hopeful of nabbing the accused in a day or two. Eight teams have been formed to identify and nab the suspect, Shivakumar said, adding, “They have already fanned out in different directions to track the accused.”
Shivakumar, along with home minister G Parameshwara, visited one of the private hospitals where those injured were being treated. “The govt will foot the bills of the injured,” he added.
Parameshwara said the victims did not have any lifethreatening injuries. Some of the injured have ruptured their eardrums because of the impact of the blast.
Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot, along with Union minister Pralhad Joshi, visited Vydehi Hospital and Brookefield Multi-Speciality Hospital late in the evening to meet the injured victims. He interacted with the victims and their families.
CCTV captures the precise moment the explosion struck the popular Bengaluru Rameshwaram cafe
Cafe had seen unclaimed bags
The Rameshwaram Cafe co-founder and managing director Divya Raghavendra Rao said that in the past, there were incidents of employees handing over to police unclaimed bags left behind by customers at the Rajajinagar branch. “We do not know about the articles kept inside the bags,” she said.
Asked about the theories of business rivalry behind the blast, she said, “I don’t think so. Usually, business rivalry involves other tricks. For example, some pay money to bloggers to make videos or reels on the use of excess ghee while preparing food to provide negative publicity. But I don’t think anyone goes to the extent of harming people and posing security threats.” The Whitefield outlet has been operational for a year and three months.