Confirming the news, Bigg Boss 17 contestant Anurag Dobhal (The UK07 Rider) wrote on Twitter, “Uppar waala kabhi galat nahi karega Bail Granted.”
On Thursday, the Noida Police withdrew Elvish Yadav’s NDPS (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985) Act. The cops admitted it was a mistake on their side. They went on to say, “We had imposed the NDPS Act by mistake, it was a clerical mistake.” It is widely known that obtaining bail under the NDPS Act is extremely difficult.
Elvish Yadav was arrested on Sunday (March 17) for his involvement in the rave party controversy, and two more arrests have occurred since then. Vinay and Ishwar are two more suspects detained recently by Uttar Pradesh police. The former is Elvish’s close friend and owns a restaurant in Gurugram, but the latter claims to have never met the Bigg Boss OTT 2 champion. He had been moved from a quarantine cell to a high-security barracks.
Bigg Boss OTT Winner Elvish Yadav sent to 14 day custody in snake venom case
Recently, Elvish’s parents made shocking revelations, when queried about his transactions and whether his parents are aware of the recent payments he received (during and after the rave party event), they stated that YouTube and a website where he sells jackets are his primary and main sources of income. Furthermore, his mother denied making or receiving any such money at the rave gatherings.
One of the most shocking claims made by Elvish’s parents was that he did not own any expensive automobiles, lavish homes, or a duplex in Dubai. His father explained, “He does not own any fancy cars; they are either hired or on loan. We only own two cars: a Wagon R and a Fortuner. He does not possess any duplexes or luxurious flats.”