BHOPAL: BSP leader Mahendra Kumar Gupta, who unsuccessfully contested the 2023 assembly polls, was shot dead at a wedding in Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh on Monday evening. The shooter, described by police as a ‘young boy‘, shot Gupta at point-blank range around 9.30pm and sprinted away before he could be caught.
The BSP leader died on the spot.Gupta contested Bijawar seat in Chhatarpur district in 2023 and finished third with 10,443 votes. A native of Isanagar in UP, he was the BSP Chhatarpur district vice-president and a former sarpanch. Gupta faced multiple cases, including three of attempted murder. An old rivalry is suspected to have triggered the shooting.
The BSP leader died on the spot.Gupta contested Bijawar seat in Chhatarpur district in 2023 and finished third with 10,443 votes. A native of Isanagar in UP, he was the BSP Chhatarpur district vice-president and a former sarpanch. Gupta faced multiple cases, including three of attempted murder. An old rivalry is suspected to have triggered the shooting.