The Tamil Nadu CM, who has spearheaded the opposition boycott, also stepped on the gas on Saturday and branded the budget presented by Modi 3.0 government a “revenge” taken by the saffron party against the INDIA bloc & country and claimed more electoral defeats are on the cards because of its “mistake after mistake.”
Meanwhile, the CM’s party DMK staged a state-wide protest against the Union Budget, which according to the Dravidian party “neglected” the southern state while few states crucial to the NDA‘s survival was showered with goodies.
In a video posted on X, the CM said, “In the recently held parliamentary elections, the people of various states defeated the anti-people BJP. The Budget presented by finance minister (Nirmala Sitharaman) seems like a vengeful act against the States and people who boycotted the BJP. Instead of preparing a budget for the welfare of all Indians, she has prepared a budget to take revenge against those who voted for the INDIA bloc,” the Tamil Nadu leader charged.
The BJP runs “the government with political motive,” he said in the video explaining to the people why he decided to boycott a meeting of the Niti Aayog.
The DMK supremo riding on a success from the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections, said, “As the voice of the people of Tamil Nadu, in fact, as the voice of all Indians, let me say something. You are committing mistake after mistake. You will suffer more and more defeats. Just as both houses of the Indian Parliament are in outrage, the hearts of the Indian people are also raging against you! The BJP must answer.”
The CM said the only special project that the BJP announced for Tamil Nadu since it came to power in 2014 is the establishment of an All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Madurai the establishment of an AIIMS in Madurai, which remains unconstructed despite PM Modi laying the foundation stone in January 2019 and At this rate, Stalin asked, “why will the people of Tamil Nadu vote for the BJP”.
The DMK president expressed disappointment that the BJP’s failure to secure a majority on its own in the 2024 polls did not lead to a change in tone and tenor. “But only disappointment prevails,” Stalin said. The CM also went a step ahead to accuse the BJP of “deceitfully attempting to reduce funds” for ongoing projects.
“They do not have even an iota of concern or worry that students’ education is being ruined, and the teachers who teach them are not paid. All that the BJP cares about is to impose their ideology and Hindi,” the Dravidian leader charged.