San Francisco residents in the South of Market (SoMa) neighbourhood are experiencing an unexpected disturbance due to the presence of driverless Waymo taxis. What initially seemed like a quiet, high-tech addition to the community has turned into a source of frustration as the autonomous vehicles have begun honking incessantly, especially during late-night hours.Here’s a detailed account of the situation, the response from Waymo, and the concerns of the affected residents.

Continuous honking from autonomous vehicles

Residents near a parking lot in San Francisco’s SoMa neighbourhood, where Waymo’s autonomous taxis have been stationed, have reported frequent and loud honking from the vehicles. Randol White, a resident living adjacent to the lot, initially welcomed the arrival of the robotaxis, expecting them to be quieter and less disruptive than the previous crowds that parked there during Giants games. However, the situation quickly turned problematic as the vehicles began honking at all hours, disturbing the peace and often waking residents in the middle of the night.

When it’s 4am but the waymos are getting aggressive in the parking lot

The resident’s perspective

According to reports, Randol White, a 57-year-old resident, has been one of the most vocal about the issue. He described the initial honking as amusing, noting the irony of driverless cars honking at each other with no human intervention. However, the persistent noise quickly became a nuisance. White expressed his frustration with the situation, emphasising that there is no one to directly address or communicate with about the problem since the vehicles are unmanned.
White has attempted to reach out to Waymo for a resolution but has yet to receive a satisfactory response. The ongoing honking, which he describes as occurring “multiple times a day, at all hours of the day and night,” has significantly disrupted the lives of residents in the area.

Waymo’s response

As per reports, in response to inquiries, Waymo acknowledged the issue, stating that they are “aware that in some scenarios our vehicles may briefly honk while navigating our parking lots.” The company also mentioned that they have identified the cause of the problem and are working on implementing a fix. However, the use of the word “briefly” by Waymo to describe the honking has been met with skepticism by residents, who believe that the issue is far from brief.

The impact on the community

The persistent honking has raised concerns about the integration of autonomous vehicles into residential areas. While the technology behind driverless cars is advancing rapidly, this incident highlights the potential challenges that come with their deployment, particularly in densely populated urban settings. Residents like White, who initially supported the presence of Waymo vehicles, are now calling for immediate action to resolve the noise disturbance.
Also read | Why traffic lights might soon include a new colour for autonomous vehicles

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