NEW DELHI: Haryana chief minister Nayab Saini distanced himself and the BJP from recent controversial remarks made by Bollywood actor and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut on the farmers’ protests. In response to Ranaut’s claims, Saini said that the BJP has nothing to do with her statements and reiterated the party’s commitment to the welfare of farmers.
“Every person has their thinking.BJP has nothing to do with this statement. BJP is working for the benefit of the farmers. Our farmers get respect, they get profitable prices, they are strengthened, is the thinking of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and that is what is being followed by the Haryana government,” Saini said.

Ranaut stirred controversy by suggesting that the farmers’ protests could have escalated into a situation similar to Bangladesh had the top leadership of the country not been strong enough. She claimed that during the protests against the now-repealed three farm laws, “bodies were hanging and rapes were taking place.” Ranaut shared a video on her official X account, which quickly sparked backlash.
The BJP was quick to distance itself from Ranaut’s statements. The party later clarified that Ranaut is not authorized to speak on policy matters on behalf of the BJP and has been instructed not to make such comments in the future.
The controversy also drew sharp criticism from political figures across the spectrum, particularly in Himachal Pradesh, where Ranaut serves as an MP from Mandi.
Himachal Pradesh minister Vikramaditya Singh and his mother, Pratibha Singh, who is the Congress president in the state, condemned Ranaut’s remarks. Vikramaditya Singh labeled her comments as “reckless and misinformed,” adding that her allegations about foreign interference in the farmers’ unrest were “ludicrous” and demonstrated her “intellectual bankruptcy.”
“As a member of the treasury benches and an elected representative of the Mandi parliamentary segment, Kangana Ranaut should be restrained while speaking on such sensitive issues,” Singh said. He also called on the Union Government, particularly the ministry of external affairs, to address Ranaut’s claims, which he said could undermine the nation’s foreign policy.
Singh further said that such statements were a grave insult to farmers, whose struggles and sacrifices are central to the nation’s agrarian history.

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