NEW DELHI: After the main accused in the July 2 Hathras satsang stampede, Devprakash Madhukar, was arrested in Delhi by the Uttar Pradesh police authorities said that political parties had recently contacted Madhukar and that they are probing the funds contributed for the events of self-styled godman Bhole Baba as “it appears that some political party is connected with them for its political and personal interests”.
Alongside Madhukar, two more suspects, Ramprakash Shakya, 61, and Sanju Yadav, 33, were detained in Hathras. The stampede resulted in the death of 123 people.
“A detailed investigation is being conducted regarding the collection of funds to see if such programmes and other resources are being funded by any political party. From the investigation so far, it appears that some political party is connected with them for its political and personal interests,” said UP Superintendent of Police Nipun Agarwal.
“All the bank accounts, movable and immovable properties, money trail, related to the accused Devprakash Madhukar are being investigated, in which assistance will be taken from other agencies as per the need,” he added.
Devprakash was sent to a 14-day judicial custody, by a CJM court on Sunday.
Contradictory claims on surrender
While police claimed key accused Madhukar was arrested in Delhi, his lawyer AP Singh said that the organiser surrendered voluntarily to the Delhi Police. Singh mentioned that Madhukar had been receiving medical treatment and surrendered to join the investigation.
“Today, we have surrendered Devprakash Madhukar, who has been called the main organiser in the FIR in the Hathras case, after calling the police, the SIT and the STF in Delhi since he was undergoing treatment here,” Singh said.
Singh clarified that they had not sought legal recourse, such as filing anticipatory bail or moving court, as it could have been perceived as an attempt to evade the investigation or express fear.
Authorities had placed a Rs 1 lakh bounty on Madhukar and had been searching for him across Uttar Pradesh and neighboring states. Despite these efforts, his lawyer insists that the surrender was voluntary and not a result of police capture.
Madhukar, the chief organiser of the satsang where the stampede occurred, is under investigation for his role in the event. The police continue to look for the self-styled godman, Bhole Baba, who remains at large.
Alongside Madhukar, two more suspects, Ramprakash Shakya, 61, and Sanju Yadav, 33, were detained in Hathras. The stampede resulted in the death of 123 people.
“A detailed investigation is being conducted regarding the collection of funds to see if such programmes and other resources are being funded by any political party. From the investigation so far, it appears that some political party is connected with them for its political and personal interests,” said UP Superintendent of Police Nipun Agarwal.
“All the bank accounts, movable and immovable properties, money trail, related to the accused Devprakash Madhukar are being investigated, in which assistance will be taken from other agencies as per the need,” he added.
Devprakash was sent to a 14-day judicial custody, by a CJM court on Sunday.
Contradictory claims on surrender
While police claimed key accused Madhukar was arrested in Delhi, his lawyer AP Singh said that the organiser surrendered voluntarily to the Delhi Police. Singh mentioned that Madhukar had been receiving medical treatment and surrendered to join the investigation.
“Today, we have surrendered Devprakash Madhukar, who has been called the main organiser in the FIR in the Hathras case, after calling the police, the SIT and the STF in Delhi since he was undergoing treatment here,” Singh said.
Singh clarified that they had not sought legal recourse, such as filing anticipatory bail or moving court, as it could have been perceived as an attempt to evade the investigation or express fear.
Authorities had placed a Rs 1 lakh bounty on Madhukar and had been searching for him across Uttar Pradesh and neighboring states. Despite these efforts, his lawyer insists that the surrender was voluntary and not a result of police capture.
Madhukar, the chief organiser of the satsang where the stampede occurred, is under investigation for his role in the event. The police continue to look for the self-styled godman, Bhole Baba, who remains at large.