Amidst the shock of actress Renjusha Menon’s demise, yet another death news has shaken the Malayalam TV industry. Actress Dr Priya, who was seen in shows like Karuthamuthu has passed away after a cardiac arrest.
The 35-year-old was eight month pregnant when she breathed last at a private hospital on Tuesday (October 31).
Paying tributes to the departed soul, actor Kishor Satya is the one who shared the news with the fans.

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‘Yet another unexpected death in the Malayalam TV industry, Dr Priya passed away due to cardiac arrest. She was eight months pregnant. The newborn is in the ICU. She didn’t have any other health issues, they went to the hospital for a routine check-up and she suffered a cardiac arrest. Her mother is shattered after the demise of her only daughter. The pain of her hubby who was taking care of her for the last six months cannot be described. I didn’t know how to console them when I went to the hospital last night. Why is God being this cruel to such good people? Even before coming to terms with Renjusha’s passing away, yet another demise. When a 35-year-old is leaving the world, even the word condolences won’t suit, How will Priya’s parents and her husband overcome this… May them have the courage for it,’ reads the emotional note of the actor.
Here’s the post:
Dr Priya is one of the known faces in the industry. She shared the screen with Kishor in the popular show Karuthamuthu. Recently, she was seen taking a break from the industry after her marriage. Priya was also a doctor by profession.

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