KANPUR: Social media platforms are not only for making people famous, but are also proving to be a boon in reuniting separated people with their loved ones.
One such incident has come to fore from Kanpur, where a woman was reunited with her brother through Instagram after 18 years of separation.
But in the reunion, her brother’s broken tooth played a very important role.
Rajkumari, who is a resident of Hathipur village of Maharajpur, while scrolling reels on Instagram one day caught sight of a video featuring a man, who had a broken tooth.
She said that her brother had a similar broken tooth who had gone to Mumbai 18 years ago to earn money, but never returned.
After that, Rajkumari, who was basically a resident of Inayatpur village of Fatehpur, got married to a man from Hathipur village of Maharajpur, Kanpur and started living there.
She said that after some time, her brother left his friends and started working at a different place.
After working for a few months, all his friends returned to their homes, but Bal Govind continued working there.
Meanwhile, he fell ill and one day, he decided to go back to his native place, but due to wrong boarding of the train, he reached Jaipur instead of Fatehpur.
As the disease was related to some kind of psychological disorder, due to which he could not understand anything and he kept wandering in Jaipur.
In between he met a man, who helped him get a job. Gradually he settled there and then married a girl Ishwar Devi.
Later, they were blessed with two children.
Then he started living his life there, but due to his illness, he was unable to remember his past, and gradually he forgot everything about his family and home.
During this time, he got addicted to posting his reel shoots on Instagram.
However, it proved to be a boon for him, when one day, his sister -Rajkumari came across one such reel of his in which his broken tooth was visible and through which she recognized him as her brother-Bal Govind.
Rajkumari then contacted him on Instagram and gradually introduced her to him, initially he ignored her, but gradually he accepted her friendship.
After that Rajkumari made him remember some of their tales related to their childhood bondings, due to which he also recalled some old memories.
When everything was confirmed, one day Rajkumari requested him to return to his native home, he finally agreed and on June 20 reached with his family to his sister’s place in Hathipur.
When Bal Govind reached his sister’s house, people’s happiness knew no bounds and everyone became emotional after seeing the reunion of him and his family members.
“Today I felt how technology advancement has changed man’s life. If Instagram had not been developed today, Bal Govind would not have been in front of us,” said a teary-eyed Rajkumari.

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