Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan added another page to the records books with his latest blockbuster film Jawan. The Atlee directorial has been shattering all box office records at both, the domestic and international box office. It is currently etching its name among the all-time highest-grossing Indian films and doing so in record time.
According to the latest reports, Jawan was off to a record-breaking start, with a historic 4-day opening weekend, making history as the fastest Bollywood movie to cross the 500 crore mark on a global scale.The film’s momentum didn’t falter, as it continued its remarkable into its first Monday, adding an impressive Rs 45 crores. Collections seemed to slow down on Tuesday, with the film experiencing a slight dip in collections of around 20% on its sixth day. Early estimates indicate that the film earned approximately Rs 24.50 crores in the Hindi markets, contributing to an all-India total of Rs 26.50 crore on its first Tuesday.

Jawan delivered an astounding net collection of Rs 319.08 crore in India alone. This achievement places the film in the exclusive club of films that have crossed the 300 crore mark in just six days. It notably surpasses SRK‘s January release Pathaan, which crossed the same milestone in seven days and the recent hit Sunny Deol film Gadar 2 which hit the target on its eight day.

Jawan also crossed the Rs 600 crore gross mark at the worldwide box office on Tuesday.
Produced under the banner of Red Chillies Entertainment, the film accumulated Rs 408 crores in gross earnings (307 crores net) at the domestic box office in six days. Simultaneously, its overseas collections reached an estimated Rs 205 crores, propelling its global earnings beyond the Rs 610 crore milestone.

With this, Jawan has now become the fastest Bollywood film to reach this monumental achievement, eclipsing SRK’s previously-held record created by Pathaan early this year.

Jawan is also the fastest Hindi film to cross the Rs 300 crore net mark in. It outpaced Pathaan which took seven days to reach collection. In total, Jawan has now amassed an impressive collective total of Rs 345 crores, including revenue earned from the Tamil and Telugu versions.
With a relatively clear path in cinemas for the next three weeks, Jawan is on track to become the second consecutive SRK film to surpass the Rs 1000 crore mark at the worldwide box office, a first for any Indian actor.

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