Vice president Kamala Harris has not spoken to India’s leader of opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi over phone, VP’s office has now clarified debunking fake news spread on social media X. Reports earlier claimed that the two spoke over the phone on Thursday though the specifics of their conversation was not divulged. News agency PTI’s US correspondent Lalit K Jha later claimed on X that the office of the vice president deemed the news as inaccurate.
The inaccurate news created a lot of flutter among Indian political commentators as they claimed Rahul Gandhi’s stature increased a lot after India’s election following which the Gandhi scion became the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha — the lower house of Indian Parliament.

“Big Breaking! US Vice President Kamala Harris spoke to LOP Rahul Gandhi on phone yesterday. After becoming LOP, Rahul Gandhi’s stature has increased a lot, now the world sees him as the next Prime Minister of India,” a user wrote.

“After becoming LOP, Rahul Gandhi’s stature has increased a lot, now the world sees him as the next Prime Minister of India,” another wrote.
Rahul Gandhi was hailed as the “shadow Prime Minister of India” after the fake news spread and Congress supporters celebrated Gandhi’s first conversation with top country heads after becoming Leader of Opposition.
“Does anybody know who spread the fake news of Rahul Gandhi speaking to Kamala Harris? I saw a few pro congress journalists posting it. But where did the rumor originate from? This is serious fake news and shocking that responsible handles would spread the news without verification,” a commentator wrote.
“I immediately knew something was amiss because office of Vice President of the United States is bound by protocol to record the call and make it public. They had not done that. This is serious Fake News !!”
Kamala Harris is now the Democrat’s best bet against Donald Trump in the coming election as heavyweight sponsors are threatening to withdraw their support from a faltering Biden. Though Biden asserted that he would continue the job, he said in his last press conference that Kamala Harris is qualified to be president and that’s why Biden picked her.
Harris, 59, is the first woman, the first Black American, and the first South Asian American to be elected as US Vice President in 2020.

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