Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa has been booked for allegedly unleashing dogs on a woman. According to ANI, the police have registered a First Information Report (FIR) under the IPC section 289 (Negligent conduct with respect to animal) against him in this incident.
Reportedly, the woman who has filed the case against the ‘Brindavana’ star shared that ad visited Darshan’s residential neighbourhood in Bengaluru for a function and had parked her car near an empty plot there.While returning she noticed that three dogs were at the site where she parked the car.
Reportedly, the woman who has filed the case against the ‘Brindavana’ star shared that ad visited Darshan’s residential neighbourhood in Bengaluru for a function and had parked her car near an empty plot there.While returning she noticed that three dogs were at the site where she parked the car.
The victim also conveyed that she had an argument with the caretaker over the parking area and that is when the dogs pounced at her. The report revealed that the woman has sustained dog bite injuries on her stomach which instigated her to file the case against the actor and caretaker.
Earlier, the actor was also charged by the Forest Department against him and his wife for posing with a migratory bird, the bar-headed goose.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Darshan is gearing up for the upcoming film, Kaatera, directed by Tharun Kishore Sudhir.
Darshan Thoogudeepa out in the wilderness to unwind