MUMBAI: Bombay high court refused to release on bail a 21-year-old man who threatened to make photos and videos of his ex-girlfriend viral if she did not continue their relationship, reports Rosy Sequeira.
“It appears that initially they were both in a relationship. But this does not mean that the applicant would have the liberty to force the informant to continue the relationship and, in that light, threaten her with making her videos and photos viral on social media,” Justice Manish Pitale said on July 16.
An FIR had been registered at Charkop police station on Dec 23 under IPC sections including repeated rape on same woman and criminal intimidation and under the IT Act.
The woman, also aged 21, said after they separated, he threatened her to continue their relationship.
“There is enough material to indicate a strong prima facie case against the applicant, for the reason that such photos and videos being made by the applicant itself shows the criminal bent of mind of the applicant,” Justice Pitale said.

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