MOHALI: Another alleged paper leak was unearthed in Mohali here on Friday after the computer on which student was appearing for the examination was hacked. The Mohali police have registered an FIR under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) Act and IT Act at Lalru police station, said Derabassi Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Vaibhav Chaudhary.
ASP Chaudhary said that a paper leak was detected at the computer of a single student during the online examination for Political Sciences and International Relations (PSIR) being conducted by National Testing Authority (NTA) at Universal Group of Institutes, village Ballopur, in Lalru.
ASP Chaudhary said, “We got information that a student during the examination detected that the cursor of his computer started moving on its own and solving questions. The computer was hacked. Based on the information a case has been registered and further investigations are on in the matter.”
ASP, however, said that during the preliminary investigations no suspicion has been drawn on the role of the student but the police are thoroughly investigating all aspects.
ASP said that FIR has been registered under sections 420 of the BNS Act and section 66 of the IT Act at Lalru police station. No arrests have been made as yet.

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