Actor Parvin Dabas, who has played pivotal roles in numerous Bollywood films, met with an accident on Saturday morning. He is reportedly being treated in the intensive care unit at a hospital in Bandra. A source informed Indian Express that the doctors are attending to the actor with the necessary tests and his wife Preeti Jhangiani has reached the hospital to be with him.
The actor is a co-founder of the Pro Panja League, who issued a statement regarding the unfortunate accident.“We regret to inform that Parvin Dabas, co-founder of the Pro Panja League, has been hospitalised and is in the ICU at Holy family hospital Bandra following an unfortunate car accident in the early hours of Saturday morning. Details of the incident are still emerging, but we can confirm that Mr Dabas is currently receiving medical attention. Our thoughts are with Parvin and his family during this challenging time. The Pro Panja League management is closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as appropriate. We kindly request privacy for Mr Dabas and his loved ones. We wish Parvin a swift and complete recovery,” read the statement.
Parvin Dabas received much appreciation for his performance in the critically acclaimed comedy film Khosla Ka Ghosla. Over the years, he has worked in popular films like My Name is Khan and Ragini MMS 2. His most recent outing is the hit web series Made in Heaven. In 2008, Parvin and actress Preeti Jhangiani tied the knot, they have two children together.

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