The idol portrays Lord Ram as a five-year-old child standing with a smiling face. Scuplted by the Arun Yogiraj from Mysuru, the 51-inch idol is carved out of black stone.
The 51-inch idol of Ram Lalla was placed on the ‘singhasan’ (throne) in the sanctum sanctorum on Thursday.The idol made of ‘shyamal’ (dark) stone, is standing atop a lotus crafted of the same stone, according to eyewitnesses. Because of the lotus and the halo, the weight of the idol is 150 kg. If one measures from the ground, the total height is 7ft.
‘First look of Ram Lalla’: Idol placed inside sanctum sanctorum | Ayodhya Ram Temple | 22 jan
The acharyas and gurus deputed for the ‘pran pratishtha’ (consecration) ceremony had selected a muhurat of 1.28pm to place the idol on its permanent seat. A team of skilled workers was deputed to fix the idol on the throne.
The rituals on the third day began with Ganesh Abmika Puja, which is organised before every auspicious occasion. Among 121 acharyas, who are being led by Pt Laxmikant Mathuranath Dixit and supervised by his son Arun Dixit, a group was deputed to recite the four Vedas in the ‘Gudh’ mandap. All the acharyas would follow the strict code and get free only in the afternoon on Jan 22 once all the ceremonies concluded.
Two ‘yagyashalas’ have been set up in the north-west part of the 70-acre complex outside the main temple. A mandap has been set up with nine ‘kunds’ to perform the rituals, while in the second one a symbolic silver idol of Ram Lalla has been kept. Rituals are being conducted in both the mandaps and within the sanctum sanctorum by a team of ach aryas.
Recitation of Ramyana is also being done in a continuous manner within the complex. Besides the Ramayana and Ramcharitmanas, saints are also reciting Adhyatma Ramayana and Bhusundi Ramayana.
Watch Breaking: Ram Lalla idol’s face revealed ahead of grand ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony on Jan 22