Rituraj Singh, who has impressed fans with many of his amazing roles in the industry over the years passed away last night due to cardiac arrest. The actor was only 59 and was dealing with issues related to his pancreas. The news has come out as a big shock to his close ones and the fans.
Actor Rituraj who was suffering from some pancreatic disease and was hospitalised recently passed away due to cardiac arrest.Netizens and close ones has mourned to his sudden demise and sent condolences to his family. Amit Behl, who was good friends with him confirmed the news and expressed his grief over the same.
He said, “Yes he passed away due to cardiac arrest. He was admitted to a hospital some time back for treatment of pancreas returned home had some cardiac complications and passed away.”
Actor Rituraj who was suffering from some pancreatic disease and was hospitalised recently passed away due to cardiac arrest.Netizens and close ones has mourned to his sudden demise and sent condolences to his family. Amit Behl, who was good friends with him confirmed the news and expressed his grief over the same.
He said, “Yes he passed away due to cardiac arrest. He was admitted to a hospital some time back for treatment of pancreas returned home had some cardiac complications and passed away.”