On a break-in complaint, a police team rushed to a retired teacher‘s house in Tamil Nadu‘s Tuticorin district to find Rs 60,000 cash and gold burgled. They also came across a note left by the thief, stating he needed the money to treat an ailing family member and promised to return the loot in a month.
Police said the bizarre robbery took place at the house of Chithirai Selvin (79).Selvin and his wife, both retired teachers, have four children. The couple left for their son’s house in Chennai on June 17 after hiring a maid to clean the house.
On Tuesday evening, the maid found the house broken into. She alerted police. Cops inspected the spot and a check with Selvin over the phone showed that Rs 60,000 cash, two pairs of gold earrings, and silver anklets were missing. Police also found a note scribbled on an envelope in green ink. Written in Tamil, it read: “Forgive me. I will return [it] in one month. Someone sick in my house.”

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