The creator of the Super Smash Bros. series, Masahiro Sakurai, has released a video talking about the development of the fighting series’ latest installment, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, in which he admitted that the idea of trying to develop another game that would push the franchise any further than it’s already gone would be “difficult”.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was released for the Nintendo Switch back in 2018 and was by far the series’ most ambitious title to date. It was groundbreaking if only because it included every fighter from the franchise’s past – including Snake from the Metal Gear Solid games and the Ice Climbers from the NES title Ice Climber. The title also introduced several new characters, like Ridley from the Metroid series. It pushed this even further in its paid DLC, adding popular third-party characters such as Sora from Kingdom Hearts, Joker from Persona 5, and Steve from Minecraft

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