BIJNOR: A seven-year-old student of a prominent school in Amroha was expelled on Thursday for allegedly getting biryani, a non-vegetarian dish, in his tiffin. A purported video capturing a heated argument between the boy’s mother and the school principal was circulated widely on social media, evoking condemnation.
In the nearly 4.30-minute clip, the principal, Avnish Kumar Sharma, can be purportedly heard making derogatory remarks about the Class 3 student’s Muslim background.The principal also reiterated his refusal to educate students who bring non-vegetarian food to the school. He could be heard saying that he “won’t teach children who will demolish temples after growing up…” He then makes allegations about “converting others through such food dishes.”
While confronting the principal for the “verbal abuse” and “locking her child in a room”, his mother can be heard in the video saying that her child “doesn’t know this kind of language and he is innocent”. She further explained that after her son returned home, he recounted how he was mistreated and “punished for his meal”.
The principal eventually threatened to call security “if she did not leave the premises”.
After the public outcry, Sudhir Kumar, the sub-divisional magistrate of Amroha, said the basic shiksha adhikari (BSA) and district inspector of schools have been tasked with investigating the matter. “A committee has been formed to thoroughly investigate the allegations. Appropriate action will be taken based on the findings,” Kumar said.
Amroha BSA, Monika, added that a three-member committee was working to uncover all facts related to the case. “Once the investigation is complete, necessary steps will be taken,” she said.
Meanwhile, the Amroha Muslim Committee condemned the boy’s expulsion and held an emergency meeting on Thursday. The committee also sent a memorandum to the Union education minister, demanding strict action against the principal. The committee’s president, Khurshid Anwar called for an “impartial investigation in the sensitive matter”.

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