Pakistani singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan is quite popular even in India. The singer has crooned many popular songs in Bollywood, from ‘O Re Piya’ to ‘Main Jahan Rahoon‘ and needs no introduction. On Saturday evening, a video of him beating his servant with a bottle went viral on the internet. He can be seen mercilessly hitting him and screaming at him.As this video went viral, the internet started criticising the singer.
WATCH it here:

In no time, Rahat released a video with his house help and his father, giving his clarification on the video. Rahat said that the man was his student who was punished because he made a mistake of misplacing a bottle which contained ‘dum kiya hua paani (holy water)’. The singer said that he later also apologised to him.

Viral video! Rahat Fateh Ali Khan thrashes his employee

The man who was beated says in the video, “Ustad ji came and apologised to me. He is my father, murshid, guru and there is nothing wrong in a father punishing his son. Creating a controversy over this video is a way of blackmailing my ustad.”

This man’s father who is seen standing next to Rahat also said that there is nothing wrong if a master punished his disciple over a mistake. However, here’s what netizens have to say after seeing this video.
A user said, “Atrocious! Rahat Fateh Ali Khan should be boycotted by everyone who respects human dignity.” Another user said, “Clearly this isn’t the first time he’s done it. Should be arrested on the basis of this evidence alone. Talent does not excuse savagery.” Someone said, “So after the @RFAKWorld atrocity video goes viral, now suddenly Alcohol become holy water 🤦 Sabko ko Pappu Gandhi samaj raha hai kya 🙄”
Netizens also feel that the man who was beaten was forcefully made to give this clarification. “Yeah, sure. The young men who took such beating and humiliation because of his dependence, would totally not say anything in front of the camera when demanded by the master. Feel sorry for the young man to live in such a situation.”
A user said, “whatever the hell… how can I unsee this now? damn this will come to mind every-time I hear another ghazal of yours!!! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️”

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