Directed by Pa Ranjith, ‘Thangalaan‘ stars Vikram in the lead role. The teaser of the film was launched today in Chennai in a grand manner. The movie is an action drama, and Vikram plays the lead and titular role in the movie as the “son of gold”. The rest of the movie’s cast includes Malavika Mohanan, Parvathy Thiruvothu, Pasupathy, Hari Krishnan, Preethi, Arjun Prabhakaran, Daniel Goldragon, and Muthukumar in important roles, and the music for the movie is composed by GV Prakash.The teaser portrays a violent Vikram as he kills the snake with bare hands and makes impressive actions in the battles.
The teaser gives us an image of gory blood, violence, greed, and power and shows Vikram in a different light. Watch the teaser here!
The teaser gives us an image of gory blood, violence, greed, and power and shows Vikram in a different light. Watch the teaser here!
Thangalaan – Teaser (HDR) | Chiyaan Vikram | K E Gnanavelraja | Pa Ranjith | G V Prakash Kumar
The film is said to release in theatres on January 26, 2024. The film shooting has been wrapped up, but one more day of shooting is left to reshoot a sequence, and the film will then move into post-production. The makers are yet to reveal when the trailer for the film will be launched.
The periodic drama showcases the origin of the Kolar Gold Fields in Karnataka and how the people suffered during the reign of British rule there. The teaser with no dialogue and just haunting music makes sure that the audience has all their focus fixed on the screen as the film narrates the story even without dialogue.