Google-owned video platform YouTube removed a staggering 2.25 million videos in India during the last quarter of 2023 for violating its community guidelines. According to Google Transparency Report, “the majority of channel terminations are a result of accounts being dedicated to spam or adult sexual content in violation of our guidelines.”
The platform also took down a significant amount of content globally, with over 9 million videos removed.Notably, 96% of these removals were flagged by machines first, with over half being taken down before anyone saw them.
India wasn’t the only place YouTube stepped up enforcement. Over 20 million channels were terminated for violating spam policies, and a massive 1.1 billion comments were deleted, mostly spam caught by automated filters. YouTube emphasizes that its community guidelines are applied consistently worldwide, regardless of the creator or content origin. They use a combination of machine learning and human reviewers to enforce these policies.
What happens when a channel is terminated by YouTube
According to the report, a YouTube channel is terminated if it accrues three Community Guidelines strikes in 90 days, has a single case of severe abuse (such as predatory behavior), or is determined to be wholly dedicated to violating the company’s guidelines (as is often the case with spam accounts). When a channel is terminated, all of its videos are removed.

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