RAICHUR: Amaresh Patil, a 60-year-old retired government high school teacher from Mumbai, has gone above and beyond his teaching duties by educating slum children in Kannada language for three decades.
Patil, who taught Kannada in a government school in Mumbai, extended his teaching to slum children during the night, even after his retirement in 2021.These children are primarily the wards of migrant laborers from Karnataka.
Patil’s remarkable journey began in 1988 when he started teaching at a night school from 6.30pm to 9.45pm. His initial task was to identify the children of laborers who had migrated from Karnataka districts to Mumbai. He made multiple visits to the slums in areas like Dharavi, Prateeksha Nagar, and Worli Naka to convince families living in dire conditions to prioritize education. Over the years, thousands of students have received education from him.
Patil primarily teaches Kannada and history at the night school. His efforts have been so successful that he no longer needs to visit slums to find students. Many parents who migrated from Karnataka are now aware of the importance of education and willingly admit their children to the night school.
Even after his retirement, Patil continues to teach at Bunts Sangh’s Nityanand Raatri Shale in Worli Naka, Mumbai, twice a week. He provides his services without charging any fees, as he is content with his pension. Many of his former students have gone on to become nurses, teachers, and employees in Mumbai, other states, and even abroad.
A former student, Subhash Argal, who now works in the merchant navy in Mumbai, attests that Patil’s teaching transformed his life, as it did for thousands of students. Without Patil’s guidance and support, many of them might have remained as laborers in the slums.
In addition to his teaching, Patil has also served as the chief officer of the NCC Army Wing, training NCC cadets. He has contributed as a sub-editor for the ‘Sangam’ quarterly magazine, published by the Basaveshwar Philosophy and Cultural Association on an honorary basis.

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