Actor-musician Ali Merchant tied the knot with Hyderabad-based model Andleeb Zaidi in Lucknow on Thursday. The nikah ceremony took place according to traditional customs and rituals. Ali and Andleeb’s close friends and family members were present at the wedding.
The couple will have a wedding reception in Mumbai on November 15. Ali shared, “I am happy that Andleeband I are married now.I look forward to this new phase in our lives.”
In an earlier interview, Ali said, “Ali said, “I met Andleeb in Hyderabad almost a year ago after we got to know each other online on a virtual platform. She is a model and works for many important brands and fashion designers in Bollywood. She is also an animal rescuer and has rescued over 150 animals. When I met her, I was not in a frame of mind to fall in love and start another relationship anytime soon but as they say ‘Love finds a way’. She has an interesting perspective towards life and her animal rescuing inspires me a lot. She has a lot of love, compassion and kindness for everyone around. And at the same time she is a strong woman, too. It is rare to find such interesting qualities in the same person and that’s why I fell in love with her.”
On the professional front, Ali has acted in the web show Libaas. He has kept away from TV for the past 5 years. “I enjoy doing the web more than TV. You are not playing the same character for many months in a web show unlike TV,” says Ali who was seen inTV shows like Vikram Betaal Ki Rahasya Gatha, Bandini, Aahat and Shapath.
The couple will have a wedding reception in Mumbai on November 15. Ali shared, “I am happy that Andleeband I are married now.I look forward to this new phase in our lives.”
In an earlier interview, Ali said, “Ali said, “I met Andleeb in Hyderabad almost a year ago after we got to know each other online on a virtual platform. She is a model and works for many important brands and fashion designers in Bollywood. She is also an animal rescuer and has rescued over 150 animals. When I met her, I was not in a frame of mind to fall in love and start another relationship anytime soon but as they say ‘Love finds a way’. She has an interesting perspective towards life and her animal rescuing inspires me a lot. She has a lot of love, compassion and kindness for everyone around. And at the same time she is a strong woman, too. It is rare to find such interesting qualities in the same person and that’s why I fell in love with her.”
On the professional front, Ali has acted in the web show Libaas. He has kept away from TV for the past 5 years. “I enjoy doing the web more than TV. You are not playing the same character for many months in a web show unlike TV,” says Ali who was seen inTV shows like Vikram Betaal Ki Rahasya Gatha, Bandini, Aahat and Shapath.
A peek into Ali Merchant’s lavish house in Mumbai