Citi has sacked a personal banker who praised Hitler and the holocaust in a hateful anti-Semitic post after the Hamas terror attacks.
Nozima Husainova, 25, a CUNY Brooklyn College graduate, posted the offensive remark on her Instagram page, which she later deleted, and was fired by the bank on Thursday.
She commented on a post about the Gaza hospital bombing that Israel denied, saying: ‘No wonder why Hitler wanted to get rid of them all,’ with a smiley face emoji.
Citi’s spokesman called Husainova’s post ‘revolting’ and said the bank would not tolerate hate speech.
“We terminated the employment of the person who made the revolting antisemitic comment on social media. We condemn antisemitism and all hate speech and do not tolerate it in our bank,” a Citi spokesperson told Daily Mail.
Husainova graduated in finance in June 2021 after studying for five years at the college in New York’s Bedford Avenue.
Her LinkedIn profile, which she deleted, suggested she had been working for two years at the Wall Street bank whose parent company Citigroup has 240,000 employees worldwide.
In last few weeks, many CEOs have said that they would not hire students who blamed Israel for the Hamas terror attack that killed 1,400 people.
one of America’s top law firms withdrew job offers on Tuesday for three students who blamed Israel for the Hamas terrorist attacks.
Davis Polk cancelled employment offers for those the firm reportedly thought led groups at Harvard and Columbia universities that issued statements accusing Israel of causing the violence.
The firm said it would reconsider the decision for two of the students, who appealed and said they did not sign the letters, which had no names.
Davis Polk, which did not name the students, said in a statement: “The views in some of the statements signed by law school student groups recently go against our firm’s value system.”
The firm added that it would ‘keep supporting a supportive and inclusive work environment’, and said that ‘the student leaders who signed these statements are not welcome in our firm.’
In an interview with The New York Times on Tuesday, Davis Polk’s managing partner and chair Neil Barr said the firm did not want to employ any supporters of the Hamas attacks.

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