NEW DELHI: PM Modi on Friday called for a tough response to terrorism and rejected efforts to justify it on one ground or the other, while warning that the international community’s continuing failure to define what constitutes terrorism had helped terrorists.

“Now, the world is also realising how big a challenge terrorism is. Wherever terrorism strikes, for whatever reason and in whatever form, it is against humanity.

In such a scenario, we all will have to be extremely stringent all the time regarding terrorism,”Modi said, his strong statement also being interpreted as a rejection of the “root cause” alibi often proferred to support and rationalise acts of terrorism.

‘Terrorism against humanity, have to move forward with human-centric approach’: PM Modi at P20 summit

“This is the time for peace and brotherhood, a time to move forward together… We have to overcome the global trust deficit and move forward on human-centric thinking,” Modi said.
The PM, who was addressing the inaugural session of the ninth G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit (P20) here, made specific reference to the Hamas attack on Israel that he had called a terrorist act.

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