Additional director general of police (ADGP) S Sengathir said the intelligence wing constantly monitors the activities of ISI in the border areas.”During this monitoring, it came to light thatNarendra Kumar, 22, is in constant touch with two women agents of the Pakistani spy agency through social media. He was apparently honeytrapped by them,” he said.
Kumar, a bike mechanic by profession and resident of Anandgarh Khajuwala in Bikaner, located near the Indo-Pakistan international border, was immediately picked up and brought to the Joint Interrogation Centre at Jaipur on Saturday. During interrogation, he revealed that he came in contact with a Facebook account operated by one “Poonam Bajwa” and another by one “Sunita” about two years ago.
Poonam, who identified herself as a resident of Bathinda in Punjab, said she was working as a data entry operator with BSF. Sengathir said Poonam befriended Kumar and lured him into sharing sensitive information about the border area on the promise of marrying him. Poonam then gave Narendra a WhatsApp number and sought sensitive information about Indian territory along the international border such as roads, bridges, BSF posts, towers, photographs of army vehicles, and photographs/ videos of prohibited places, which he did.
The other woman, Sunita, befriended Kumar by posing as a local journalist of a national newspaper. She also wanted Narendra to share sensitive information with her. Kumar admitted to have shared such information with Sunita as well, said the ADGP. After technical examination of Kumar’s mobile phone, a case was immediately registered against him under the Official Secrets Act, 1923, and he was arrested.