INDORE: Raped and brutalized, the 12-year-old girl Ujjain rape survivor was on the verge of dying when she was begging people for help, and being shooed away.
Sources told TOI the grievous nature of the injuries to her private parts. They are too gruesome to be published. “They would have proved fatal if treatment had been delayed any further,” one of them told TOI on Friday. She has been operated upon and is expected to recover, they say, although she continues to be in deep trauma and agony.
Whenever she regains consciousness, she calls for her mother and asks for her school uniform (which she was wearing when she was raped), sources said.
Described as ‘mentally unstable’ by her family, the child couldn’t even name her village or her family members, which makes her desperate pleas for help on the streets of Ujjain even more heart-wrenching. To add to the horror, her family says that police in their village in Satna district refused to accept a complaint when they first went to report her missing on Sunday night, allegedly telling them, “Go, look for her yourselves and come back after 24 hours.”
Raped child’s kin: Police told us to ‘come back after 24 hrs’
The child’s family members arrived in Ujjain on Thursday and vented their ire at Satna cops for allegedly not registering an abduction complaint in time. Not even when the grandfather told them that she was “mentally unstable”.
Speaking to TOI over phone, the minor’s uncle said that she left home unnoticed when her grandfather went to graze cattle, on Sunday. The family got worried when they noticed her missing late afternoon and began looking for her. After drawing a blank, they went to the local police at 10pm to file a complaint. The police station in charge allegedly asked them to look for her themselves and come back after 24 hours if they didn’t find her, the uncle said. The family looked for her all night at the railway station, bus stops and other areas but in vain. They went back to the cops, and this time, an FIR was registered.
Police have since pieced together her movements and it seems she could have been rescued had an all-stations alert been issued on Sunday.
“The child went to the small railway station near her village by bus and boarded Anand Vihar train alone at 9:50am on Monday. She got off at 10:15am at Satna station (42km away) and boarded the Kshipra Express around 11am. She got off the train at Ujjain (720km away) the next day at 10am,” said Satna SP Ashutosh Gupta.
A few hours later, she would be raped in Ujjain and left to wander the streets, semi-nude, bleeding and traumatized. The SP said that the child’s grandfather had mentioned in his complaint that the girl is ‘mentally unstable’ and wasn’t able to name her village or any of her family members.
The survivor’s uncle said that her mother had abandoned her when she was two years old and that her father is mentally unstable. Two years ago, her grandmother, who she considered as her mother, died, leaving her traumatized. It’s the grandmother she may be recalling when she drifts in and out of consciousness.
Her injuries are so severe that it led some to wonder if more people were involved. Ujjain police have negated the idea. “The investigation in the case is almost over. We only have to collect circumstantial and medical evidence after which the challan will be put up in court,” said Ujjain SP Sachin Sharma.
Police have arrested an auto driver for the sexual attack and another driver for concealing evidence.
Ujjain police did not disclose the extent of injuries to the girl, but said she was getting the best treatment. “Her condition is out of danger and she is under constant observation,” Sharma added.
MTH hospital in-charge Dr PS Thakur came out with a health bulletin that said that she had undergone the surgery on September 26. “In the last three days, there has been an improvement in her health. She is being monitored by a gynaecologist, a paediatric surgeon and a psychotherapist. She is on a liquid diet. Her health is stable,” the bulletin said.
(The victim’s identity has not been revealed to protect her privacy as per Supree Court’s directives on cases related to sexual assault)

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