NEW DELHI: In light of the recent Israel-Hamas conflict, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted on Friday that all forms of terrorism are against humanity and that it is time for peace and fraternity so that everyone can advance while walking together.
Speaking at the ninth P20 Summit at Yashobhoomi, PM Modi described it as a ‘Mahakumbh’ of parliamentary practices’.
“This summit is a ‘mahakumbh’ as it represents a convergence of parliamentary practices of the world. India landed on the Moon and hosted the G20 Summit successfully. Today, we are hosting the P20 Summit. This summit is also a platform to celebrate the power of the people of the world’s largest democracy (India),” he said.
“We feel privileged to be hosting the ninth P20 Summit in India. We represent a country, which is the mother of democracy and the world’s largest as well. Parliaments or legislative bodies across the world are important places for holding discussions and debates,” he added.
Highlighting the need for maintaining peace in the Middle East, Duarte Pacheco, the Inter-Parliamentary Union President said, “It’s impossible to talk about sustainable and developmental goals and talk about a future without peace. We need to defend peace in all continents including the Middle East. Peace should be on the front page. Even a single death is too much.”
The event is being attended by the G20 members except Canada amid the India-Canada row post killing of the chief of the banned Khalistan Tiger Force (KTF) Hardeep Singh Nijjar on June 18 by two unidentified gunmen outside a gurdwara in Surrey in the western Canadian province of British Columbia.

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