A volunteer firefighter has died while fighting a fire in NSW’s Northern Rivers.

A statement from the Rural Fire Service (RFS) said fellow RFS members attempted to administer medical assistance to the man, including the use of a defibrillator until ambulance arrived at the scene.

The incident occurred at Bean Creek in the Kyogle area in NSW’s Far North Coast.

RFS Commissioner Rob Rogers paid tribute to the volunteer and said support would be given to his family and brigade.

“This is a terrible tragedy, where a volunteer helping protect his community has paid the ultimate sacrifice,” Commissioner Rogers said.

“Our thoughts are with his family, friends and firefighting colleagues at this terrible time. We are offering every assistance to his family and fellow brigade members.”

On Saturday, the RFS responded to a 417ha bushfire on Bean Creek Rd.

As of 2pm it was listed as ‘being controlled,’ which means strategies were either in place or planned for the entire perimeter of the fire.

A moderate fire warning is in place on Saturday and Sunday for the Far North Coast, however, an extreme and high fire danger rating is in place for Monday and Tuesday.

The Bureau of Meteorology has forecast temperatures to reach 33C on Monday, before they fall to 25C on Tuesday.

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