Hyderabad: In the ongoing investigation in the 712 crore investment fraud allegedly orchestrated by Chinese nationals, Hyderabad police have shared details about the repored tranfer of money into a crypto wallet, suspectedly belonging to a terror outfit, with National Investigation Agency (NIA).
After Hyderabad’s cyber crime sleuths busted the scam and analysed financial transactions, they found a few suspected transactions linked to an account belonging to one Hezbollah through crypto currency. As local police have limitations and it has cross-border ramifications, Hyderabad police alerted the anti-terror investigation agency NIA.

“A team of senior NIA officials contacted cyber crime police and collected details to analyse them to see if they can get further leads. Though the anti-terror unit may not formally investigate the case, they will do an inquiry related to a few specific transactions,” sources in Telangana police told TOI.
Of the transactions, on one occasion $3,000 was transferred to an account suspected to belong to the Hezbollah. After cyber crime sleuths busted the fraud and analyzed the transactions with the help of the Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), an agency of the Union ministry of home affairs, they contacted the crypto exchange and discovered that the account was suspended since its transactions were suspected to have links with the terror group.
Earlier, nine persons were arrested by the cyber crime police for facilitating a few Chinese nationals to organise task-based job fraud, wherein Indians had lost money hoping to make easy money.
The 712 crore (victims’ money) was credited into the accounts of a few accused in India. But these accounts were operated by the other accused from Dubai. The money was then transferred into crypto currency and Prakash Prajapati reportedly played a key role as he had a crypto wallet. It was from these wallets money was sent to different crypto wallets to send them abroad. A small portion of the money was transferred to an account belonging to the Hezbollah.

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