Bengaluru-based EV startup Ultraviolette Automotive is set to debut an all-new electric bike at the upcoming EICMA 2023, which is set to begin from November 7, 2023. The company has released a teaser of the new high-performance model, featuring its sleek design and powerful acceleration. In the video, the EV is seen touching the speed of 195 kmph, giving rise to anticipations of a 200 kmph top speed.
Not much else is known about the new bike at this point, but it can be expected to be based on the company’s F99 Factory Racing platform, which the company first showcased at the Auto Expo 2023.

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At present, Ultraviolette has the F77 electric bike on offer, which employs a 7.1 kWh battery pack in the base-spec variant. It comes with a claimed range of 207 km and gets its top speed governed at 152 kmph. However, the new performance EV that the company is set to launch, can be expected to get a larger battery pack and feature an enhanced motor to deliver more power and torque.
The unveiling of the new electric motorcycle at EICMA 2023 will also be a significant step for Ultraviolette Automotive, as it marks the company’s debut in the European market. Besides that, the upcoming model having the capability to potentially touch the 200 kmph-mark is also significant, as it will now place UV’s electric bikes in the ranks of premium high-performance petrol-powered motorcycles.
Interestingly, the company is currently in the midst of a legal dispute with Harley-Davidson and Hero MotoCorp co-developed X440 motorcycle over the ‘X44’ badging as it has filed the trademark before Hero did. If Ultraviolette wins the case, we can expect the new EV to be christened as the ‘X44’. However, that’s a matter to discuss on another day.

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